For Press

Magnopus Logo Guidelines

Before downloading our logo, please be sure to follow our basic rules:

  1. Don’t alter the shape, proportion, color or orientation of the logos. Keep ‘em black and white, and only as they appear below.

  2. Provide at least as much padding around the logo as what we’ve displayed below. This helps our logo appear clean and uncluttered.

If you have any questions about logo usage, you can reach us via the contact form.

Magnopus logo in black text on a light gray background
Magnopus logo in white text on black background
Magnopus logo with design grid lines

Maintain a half ‘O’ height around logo when possible

Connected Spaces Logo Guidelines

Before downloading our logos, please be sure to follow our basic rules:

  1. Don’t alter the shape, proportion, color or orientation of the logos. Keep ‘em as they appear below.

  2. Provide at least as much padding around the logo as what we’ve displayed below. This helps our logo appear clean and uncluttered.

If you have any questions about logo usage, you can reach us via the contact form.

Logo of Connected Spaces Platform with a stylized intertwined "C" and "P" in blue and purple.
Image depicting application use across XR headsets, AR headsets, web browser, Unreal Engine plugin, and mobile AR. Screens show a 3D dinosaur model in an indoor setting, showcasing compatibility across various platforms.